The Laudable feat in the performance of the incumbent administration in Kano State was re – commenced last Wednesday (26th June, 2013) during the 104th Executive Council Sitting at which an expenditure of Fifteen Billion, Fifty Six Million, One Hundred and Ninety Seven Thousand and Eight Hundred and Seventy Five Naira, Thirty Kobo (15,056,197,875.30) was approved for the execution of Seventeen (17) Projects.

Two (2) Sectors prominently stood out in the approvals granted for the execution of projects during the 104th Executive Council Sitting. These include;

Number of Projects
Cost (N)
Water Resources
 This was characteristic of the second incumbency of the present administration. Credence has been relentlessly accorded to the transformation of the educational, infrastructural development and maintenance sectors from inception as depicted in the table presented above. Further analysis of the approvals granted for the execution of projects during the 104th Kano State Executive Council sitting revealed that about 52% of the number of projects (i.e. 9 out of 17) were approved for execution with about 85% of the expenditure granted for the two (2) sectors (i.e. Education and Infrastructural Development/Water Supply).

So, today Wednesday 3rd July, 2013 (24th Sha’aban, 1434AH) the Kano State Executive Council held its One Hundred and Fifth (105th) sitting under the Chairmanship of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE. Eleven (11) MDAs submitted forty-nine (49) memoranda for deliberation by Council among which thirty (30) were approved for execution with an expenditure of Three Billion, Thirty One Million, Three Hundred and One Thousand, Eight Hundred and Thirty Four Naira, Twenty Kobo (N3,031,301,834.20) covering twenty- two (22) projects. Thus:

Twenty-two (22) memoranda were submitted on behalf of some MDAs for deliberation by Council from the Office of the Secretary to the State Government. Eight (8) of them were approved for execution as follows:

a. Request for Funds to Cater for the Sponsorship of Thirty (30) Kano State Indigenous Students to Study Pharmacy at Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy and JSS University India as well as the Fifteen (15) MBBS Students to be Admitted at SSMS Institute of Medical Science and Research:-
In fact, a large part of the services to be rendered by any administration must, generally speaking, consist of the development of human resources through the provision of qualitative education. This is simply called an investment in human capital, which is very much the same thing as investing in machines, equipment and other material capital. This administration is investing in human capital through the sponsorship of indigenous qualified youths to pursue education and other career courses within and outside the nation. Such investment is expected to increase and expand the capacity of the State human capital. The impact may not be immediate but will be seen in the near future. The State has sponsored 501 students to study for second degrees overseas in different academic and professional fields. This is in addition to the 100 youths selected to study medicine and another 100 studying pilot and aircraft engineering in Jordan.

This brings us to the basis of this memorandum, which was on the sponsorship of qualified youths to study pharmacy and medicine in selected Universities in India. This decision explains the commitment of the State Government in the improvement of healthcare system in the State. This administration has since inception resolved to qualitatively provide for the transformation of the Health Sector in all aspects of healthcare delivery of which management and dispensation of drugs/medicine is among. Laudable policies have been successfully implemented towards this as heralded by the staging of outright war on illegal sales of drugs at Abubakar Rimi Market and the aggressive conduct of training of youths under the “Lafiya Jari” program, which empowers relevantly trained/skilled but unemployed youth. In addition, more than N7 billion was expended on the provision of medical equipment, renovation and expansion of the existing health facilities and the establishment of health institutions for the training of medical personnel.

Thus, this administration has transformed a public health system in crisis into a modern and responsive one with aggressive employment of staff, eradication of a number of infectious diseases and free medication to pregnant women. Reverting back to the request of this memorandum, Council appraised the recommendations for the sponsorship of 30 students to study pharmacy and 15 students to study medicine at the sum of $742,100.00 and $990,000.00 respectively for the duration of the courses. Noting that the request was in agreement with the laudable policies of providing the required professional calibre of personnel for the Health Sector and Empowerment for the students concerned Council approved the sponsorship.

b. Request for Funds to Enable the Procurement and Allocation of One (1) Unit of Toyota Hilux Double Cabin Pick Up to the State Secretariat of the NYSC:-
This administration is always ready to cooperate and assist any Federal parastatal stationed in the State. Of recent, Council approved the procurement and allocation of vehicles to the Prison and State Security Services to enable them carry-on with their official assignments and ease their transportation problem. The request for a vehicle by the State NYSC was considered on its own merit and approved by Council at the sum of N6,950,000.00.

c. Request for Permission and Release of Funds to Travel to Egypt to Scout for and Interview/Select Internationally Reputable Principal and Vice Principal for the Newly Established “First Lady’s College, Kano”:-
It is a welcome fact that the unused and wasted facilities available at the famous Magwan Water Restaurant are now converted for use as First Lady’s College by this administration. Several other unused Government facilities have been converted for required use as Schools including the Psychiatric Hospital at Yadakunya, the WRECA Workshop at Tiga, Gidan Ado Bayero, etc.

Nevertheless, the First Lady’s College deserves qualified and competent hands so that it could yield the envisaged quality of products. As such, the Honourable Commissioner, Kano State Ministry of Education requested for permission and release of funds to enable a two (2) member team undertake a trip to Egypt to interview and select competent Principal and Vice Principal of international repute for the College. Details of the financial commitments of the sum of N1,379,750.00 was requested for release as endorsed by the Office of the Secretary to the State Government.

Council noted, considered and approved the release of the requested sum of N1,379,750.00 to enable the Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Education and his Permanent Secretary to undertake the trip to Egypt for the purpose stated.

d. Presentation of the Need and Request for Funds to Connect Gwarzo and Madobi LGCAs to Garu 132/33KV Electricity Sub – Station:-
The present administration in Kano State has resolved to take infrastructural development/provision to all nooks and crannies of the State including the rural areas. Such include provision of potable water supplies, motorable roads and steady supply of electricity for elevation of the general socio – economic wellbeing of the citizenry no matter their place of residence.

This fact decided the Kano State Ministry of Rural and Community Development to endorse a request submitted, through the Office of the Secretary to the State Government, for release of the sum of N7,986,692.00 by Council to enable the Rural Electrification Board (REB) execute the important project of connecting Gwarzo and Madobi LGCAs to the Garu Electric Power Supply Sub – Station dedicated for use by the Water Board. The Sub – Station has two (2) fully serviceable 30MVA, 132/33KV electricity transformers. Connecting the two (2) LGCAs to the Sub – Station at Garu will not cause any problems or be detrimental to its functions as cleared/assured by the Kano State Water Board.

The request was considered relevant as approval was granted by Council for the release of the sum of N7,986,692.00 to the Ministry of Rural and Community Development to enable the REB execute the project stated above in view of its significance to the Communities in the cited locations.

f. Presentation of Handing Over Notes Between the Outgoing Coordinator and Newly Appointed Deputy Director Kano Poultry Institute Tukwui, Makoda LGCA:-
Main highlights of the presented hand over notes for consideration by Council comprised eight (8) items as submitted by the outgoing Coordinator Implementation Committee to the newly appointed Deputy Director assigned to head the Institute.

Council was satisfied and endorsed the hand over notes while wishing the outgoing Coordinator and incoming Deputy Director good tidings in their future respective endeavours.

g. Presentation of the Need to Resuscitate Kano State Central Price Reference and Intelligence Committee and Enforcement of its Functions:-
The Kano State Ministry of Finance informed Council, through the contents of this memorandum submitted for consideration from the Office of the Secretary to the State Government that, the Kano State Central Price Reference and Intelligence Committee tasked with the responsibility of establishing a realistic price index and data base for goods and services to be procured by MDAs and Local Government Authorities in the State is no longer functioning and, therefore, requires to be resuscitated.

The Committee was established in 2001 and proved its mandate by producing/distributing eighteen (18) editions of Kano State Central Price Reference and Intelligence System bulleting from February, 2001 to December, 2011 which served as reference materials for Auditors, Accountants, Store – Officers and the general public thereby curtailing unnecessary cost/expenditure.

As such, the Ministry of Finance recommended the resuscitation of the Committee as well as expanding its membership with the following eight (8) Office holders

i. Office of the Auditor General (Local Governments).
ii. Representative from Ministry for Local Governments.
iii. Representative from Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
iv. Representative from Ministry of Education.
v. Representative from Project Monitoring Directorate.
vi. Representative from SUBEB.
vii. Representative from Ministry of Finance – Stores Section.
viii. Representative from Ministry of Finance – Treasury.

Council appreciatively acknowledged the presentation and approved the resuscitation, expansion and enforcement of functions of the Kano State Central Price Reference and Intelligence Committee. Office of the Secretary to the State Government was directed to coordinate the process.

This Office submitted seven (7) memoranda for deliberation by Council. Four (4) of them were approved for execution as follows:

a. Presentation of the Outcome of Official Representation by the State Delegation for Support from the National Resources Development Fund at the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission Abuja (25th June, 2013):-
In his Official Executive mandate as leader of a delegated team comprising three (3) Commissioners, two (2) Permanent Secretaries and other supporting Staff, the Deputy Governor/Hon. Commissioner, Ministry for Local Governments reminded Council that, the Kano State Government has articulated a submission for financial support from the Natural Resources Development Fund. The Fund is under the Presidency while the solicited support was to the tune of the sum of N272,012,338,600.00 being an intervention fund to be released in trust by the Federal Government for all tiers of Government towards diversification of the economic base of the country from oil and gas to non – oil sectors.

The Kano State delegation presented the submission of Kano State Government to the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission (FRMAC) on 25th June, 2013. Power Point E – Presentation was used in showcasing and justifying various developmental strides and diversification efforts of the present administration in Kano State under the astute leadership of the second incumbency of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE towards developing the non – oil sectors of our economy with existing ecological problems affecting various areas/communities in the State. Such were presented for remedial actions by intervention from the Natural Resources Intervention Fund.

Notably, the FRMAC acknowledged and favourably responded to the well – articulated precise and comprehensive presentation from Kano State, which was considered best among all the presentations submitted at the forum. Further, the Commission applauded the leadership of Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE for;

• Prudent management of Public Funds/Resources.
• Most exemplary translation of transformation agenda in terms of infrastructural and human development initiative compared to others.
These and more gingered the authorities at the FRMAC to resolve to visit Kano State soonest for “ground – truth” assessment of issues raised in the presentation from the State so as to arm themselves with fully verified information to enable them submit comprehensive and factual recommendations to the President of Nigeria for consideration.

In any case, some incidental expenses were incurred in discharging the assignment along with paid usage of external expertise in collation, analysis, synthesis, production of imageries and aerial mapping of graded areas with Geo – Investigation results across the 44 LGCAs. The entire exercise involved an aggregate expenditure to the tune of N8,200,000.00 which was requested for release by Council according to the details presented for consideration.

Council appreciated the presentation and promptly approved the release of the requested sum of N8,200,000.00 to the Office of the Deputy Governor/Hon. Commissioner, Ministry for Local Governments to enable defraying the expenditure incurred which facilitated brisk and well – articulated presentation of the request from Kano State for intervention funds to the tune of N272,012,338,600.00. The good people of Kano State along with the Government wholeheartedly await the fact – finding visiting team from the FRMAC.

b. Request for Funds to Enable the Procurement of Tricycles Waste Disposal Vehicles for Use at Local Government Council Areas:-
Provision of serene, clean and healthy environment for the citizenry in Kano State is among the cardinal resolutions of the present administration. In fact, the monthly executed environmental sanitation exercise was re – introduced courtesy of the present administration. The Ministry of Environment as custodian of general environmental sanitation is continuously provided for qualitatively to rid the State of unwanted heaps of refuse scattered all over the metropolis. Establishment of Shelterbelts against desert encroachment and provision of expertly nursed tree seedlings for planting are among the laudable preoccupations of the present administration.

As such, Office of the Deputy Governor/Hon. Commissioner, Ministry for Local Governments deemed it expedient to recommend to Council to consider urging the Local Government Councils to own up to their mandated responsibility of evacuating wastes in their respective domains by providing all necessary equipment required for the execution of the monthly executed environmental sanitation exercise.

Specifically, the desirability to evacuate refuse/waste from the nooks and crannies of metropolitan Kano for disposal at designated/suitable locations is paramount. The equipment required for the purpose is conspicuously unavailable. Such need to be procured urgently for use. So, five (5) Tricycles Waste Disposal Tippers were recommended to be purchased for use by each of the eight (8) metropolitan LGCAs at the unit cost of N1,739,000.00 (i.e. N8,695,000.00 for five). Forty (40) units of the Tricycles Waste Disposal Tippers are to be purchased by the eight (8) metropolitan LGCAs at the aggregate cost of N69,560,000.00, which was requested for release by Council to enable the purchase of the Tricycles Waste Disposal Tippers as recommended by the eight (8) metropolitan LGCAs.

The request was considered credible as Council approved the release of the sum of N69,560,000.00 from the State/Local Government Joint Account, disaggregated to each of the eight (8) metropolitan LGCAs for the stated purpose.

c. Presentation of Negotiation of 2013 Hajj Accommodation Charges on Thirteen (13) Houses and Request for Kano State Government Subsidy on Six (6) Houses Acquired for Kano State Pilgrims:-
The period for the Holy Pilgrimage to/at Makkah will soon be with us. So, preparations are underway earnestly.

As such, a six (6) – member team under the leadership of the Deputy Governor/Hon. Commissioner, Ministry for Local Governments were assigned to visit Makkah in order to inspect/select and secure befitting accommodation for Kano State 2013 (1434AH) intending Pilgrims in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

The team conducted its assignment diligently in line with the provisions of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) bench mark. Thirteen (13) houses were thoroughly assessed within the clusters of Shara Mansur and Ummul Qura Streets. Details were presented to Council for consideration. In any case, the prices for four (4) of the houses were negotiated downwards while the provision of the Kano State Government subsidy on the prices of six (6) houses was solicited for.

As such, Council was requested to approve the release of the sum of N52,706,250.00 instead of the initial N52,733,250.00 requested earlier for the same purpose.

Council acknowledged the presentation and approved the release of the sum of N52,706,250.00 for the settlement of the subsidy rates for six (6) houses among the thirteen (13) negotiated for accommodation of Kano State Pilgrims for the year 2013 (1434AH) in Makkah so as to avoid any increment.

d. Presentation of Report of Year 2012 Hajj Affairs Tribunal:-
The Deputy Governor/Hon. Commissioner, Ministry for Local Governments reminded Council of the Executive directive issued to him at its sitting of 19th June, 2013 to further appraise the submitted report mentioned above.

Reappraisal of the said report along with the Edict that established the Hajj Affairs Tribunal in the State in 1995 yielded the following observations:

i. That the contents of the report indicated that the Chairperson of the Tribunal did not carry members along in conducting the assignment of the Tribunal, which was adduced as reason for refusal of the members to endorse the report.
ii. That item 4 (i.) of part II of the Edict indicated that the appointment of the Tribunal Members was vested in the interest of the incumbent Governor then.
iii. That item 6 of part II of the Edict stated that any sitting with the Chairman and any two (2) members form a quorum. This was not observed in the presided cases by the Tribunal.
So, in view of the need to have a Tribunal that ensures participation of its members in conformity with its enabling Law, Council accepted the recommendation and approved the replacement of the incumbent Chairperson with a new Chairman in the person of Abubakar Haruna Khalil in order to provide the Tribunal with a new leadership capable of leading the Tribunal in line with its enabling/enshrined Law. Details on the qualifications and suitability of Abubakar Haruna Khalil were presented for consideration by Council.

Two (2) memoranda were directly submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Education. Both were approved for execution. Thus;

a. Presentation of the Need to Install Solar – Powered and Energy Efficient Led Fluorescent Light Fittings in Classroom Blocks in Boarding Schools Across the State:-
Contents of this memorandum applauded efforts of the present administration in Kano State towards improvement/transformation of education at all levels and ramifications in the State.

Progressively, the Ministry of Education came up with a proposal for a completely new approach for the supply/provision of illumination in Boarding Schools by use of Solar – Powered fittings.

Re – introduction of evening “prep” in schools is to enhance academic activities and improve performance of students in examinations generally. Two (2) Schools were selected as “Pilot” for the essentially required project which are:

• GSS Kwankwaso
• GGC Kano
Such provision will further upgrade the standards of the recently repaired/renovated two (2) Schools through ETF intervention. Details on the requirements and the aggregate financial cost of the two (2) projects to the tune of the sum of N11,994,042.40, viz;

i. GSS KwankwasoN4,445,332.00
ii. GGC KanoN7,348,710.40

Credibility of the request prompted Council to approve the release of the requested sum of N11,994,042.40 to the Ministry of Education to enable provision/installation of Solar – Powered energy efficient Led fluorescent light fittings as pilot projects at GSS Kwankwaso and GGC Kano according to the details presented.

b. Presentation of Request/Suggestion on Direct Recruitment/Absorption of Voluntary/Casual Teachers Serving in Public and Community Schools in Kano State:-
The laudable decongestion policy embarked upon by the present administration has resulted in the commendable creation/construction of more classrooms in our Primary and Secondary Schools compelling the need for teachers to man them.

Many such Schools are known to have been sourcing for the services of such teachers on voluntary/casual arrangement in order to augment Government effort. The services delivered are paid for from the collected payment of School maintenance fees from students.

Presently, authentic records reveal that a total of 1906 Casual/Voluntary teachers serve in our Schools with the following qualifications:

i. Degree holders236
ii. NCE holders1067
iii. ND holders603

On the other hand, Council was notified of the disturbing fact that Public and Community Schools in Kano State require the Services of 1928 degree, NCE and ND holders as Voluntary/Casual teachers to man all available Classes with adequate number of teaching Staff.

With concern, the Ministry of Education requested Council to consider approving the absorption/recruiting into the State Service the existing 1906 Voluntary/Casual teachers serving in our Schools as well as employing 1928 more of such teachers for deployment to serve in the generally decongested Public and Community Schools across the State.

Council approved as requested but directed the Honourable Commissioner, Kano State Ministry of Education to liaise with Principals/Head Teachers of Schools concerned and make a submission on the issue for consideration by Council at its next sitting.

This Ministry submitted three (3) memoranda directly for consideration by Council. All were approved for execution as follows:

a. Request for Funds for the Construction of Three (3) New Shari’a Courts:-
The Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport professionally submitted a case on behalf of the State Shari’a Court of Appeal originally submitted to the Office of the Secretary to the State Government, through the Office of the Attorney General/Hon. Commissioner, Ministry of Justice.

The issue involved a request for the release of the aggregate sum of N41,647,432.86 to enable the construction of three (3) new Shari’a Courts previously regretfully omitted from an earlier request for the release of funds for the construction of twenty-seven (27) new Shari’a Courts. The omitted Courts are:

• Upper Shari’a Court Gyadi – Gyadi.
• Giginyu Shari’a Court.
• Bunkure Shari’a Court.
So, Council was requested to approve the release of the sum of N13,882,447.62 to facilitate the construction of each Court totaling to the aggregate sum of N41,647,432.86 for the three (3).

Council noted, considered and approved the release of the requested sum of N41,647,432.86 to the relevant authorities to enable construction of the respective Shari’a Courts at the three (3) locations presented above.

b. Request for Funds to Facilitate the General Renovation and Provision of Furniture at Kano State Independent Electoral Commission Located at NO.5 Sabo Bakin Zuwo Road, Kano:-
Contents of this memorandum concertedly notified Council of the deplorable condition of the Office of the Kano State Electoral Commission located at NO.5 Sabo Bakin Zuwo Road. This prompted the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport to propose for the execution of general renovation of the office in order to provide an enabling and befitting environment as well conducive atmosphere for work for the Staff. Such will enable them perform their duties properly for the smooth running of routine affairs of the Commission. As such, Council was requested to, and approved the release of the aggregate sum of N18,713,892,14 to enable execution of the project.

c. Request for the Release of Funds for the Execution of 2013 Constituency Projects in Kano State:-
The Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport alerted Council, through contents of this memorandum, of the need to embark upon implementation of the 2013 Constituency Projects. The program was provided the sum of N2,200,000,000.00 in the 2013 approved budget.

Traditionally, the two Ministries implement the projects as forwarded by the Honourable Members of the Kano State House of Assembly from their respective Constituencies. The Ministries are:

• Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport
• Ministry of Rural and Community Development
So, considering success of the program, the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport urgently requested Council to consider and approve the following:

i. Commencement of the implementation of 2013 Constituency Projects.
ii. Ratification of the list of Contractors that abided by the due process and qualified for the award including those to be submitted in due course (second batch).
iii. Provision of N2,200,000,000.00 as approved in the 2013 budget under the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport.
Council approved as requested based on the genuine need to commence implementation of the 2013 Constituency Projects.

The Ministry of Health submitted four (4) memoranda for deliberation by Council. Three (3) were approved for execution. Thus:

a. Request for Funding of Activities of the State Task Force Committee on Immunization and Polio Eradication:-
Council was applauded on its continued favourable response in providing for the requirements of Immunization and Polio Eradication Exercise in the State through the State Task Force Committee. This shows great prospects/promise that Kano State is on track towards the total eradication of polio transmission by the year 2013.

Nevertheless, to continue with the laudable achievements, the Task Force requires provision of additional resources for the next four (4) rounds of Polio Immunization exercises for the third and fourth quarter of the year 2013. Accordingly, the sum of N10,318,500.00 is required and was requested for release by Council to facilitate the following:

• Secretariat Services
• Coordination of Meetings
• Provision of logistics for high level intensive supervision of Polio Immunization exercises.
Council noted, considered and approved the release of the requested sum of N10,318,500.00 to the State Ministry of Health as funds for the activities of the State Task Force Committee on Immunization.

b. Request for Funds for the General Renovation Works Required at Dawanau Psychiatric Hospital (Phase II):-
Council approved the release of the sum of N65,088,012.00 to facilitate the execution of the phase II of the already approved project stated above. First phase of the project was granted approval for the release of the sum of N50,096,704.89. Works (phase I) have reached advanced stages nearing completion at male wards 2 and 3 LCT block. This is typical of the present administration, which relentlessly provides for the qualitative transformation of the entire health sector from its inception to date. Examples are ubiquitous across the State.

c. Request for Funding of Activities of the State Immunization Plus Days on Polio Eradication:-
Cognizant of the fact that Nigeria adopted the conduct of Polio Supplemental Immunization as a strategy to eradicate the disease from the Country, special campaigns are periodically organized during which health workers move from house to house to vaccinate eligible children with Polio Vaccine. A total of five (5) rounds of the campaign have so far taken place in the year 2013 alone.

Essentially, each round of the campaign is provided for by all stakeholders; Federal, State, Local Governments and Development partners. Each plays a role with the State Government providing support for supervision, training, logistics and public enlightenment activities.

As such, the Kano State Ministry of Health needs resources to undertake these activities costed at the sum of N18,162,500.00, which was requested for release by Council.

The project was considered relevant by Council as approval was granted for the release of the requested sum to the Ministry of Health to undertake activities of State Immunization Plus Days on Polio Eradication in view of the International and domestic relevance of the project.

The two (2) memoranda submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Environment were approved for execution as follows:

a. Request for Funds to Enable the Procurement of Additional Two (2) Brand New Pay – Loaders:-
The incumbent administration in Kano State resolved to rid Kano of heaps of refuse scattered all over the metropolitan area. Adequate management of solid waste within the metropolis as well as management and enforcement of use of officially approved dumping sites has been embarked upon. Council approved the procurement of two (2) brand new Pay – Loader for use by REMASAB to facilitate for timely evacuation of heaps of refuse scattered across the metropolitan area of Kano.

These two (2) procured and allocated Pay – Loaders are judiciously put to earnest use by REMASAB to cover the eight (8) metropolitan LGCAs, which were divided into four (4) zones in two (2) shifts (day and night).

As such, the Ministry of Environment requested Council to approve the release of the sum of N54,284,347.00 to enable the procurement of two (2) brand new Pay – Loaders for use by REMASAB to supplement the services of the two (2) already in use.

Council noted, considered and approved the release of the sum of N27,142,171.85 to the Office of the Secretary to the State Government to process procurement and allocation of one (1) brand new Pay – Loader to the Ministry of Environment for use by REMASAB as required to supplement the activities of the two (2) already in use.

b. Request for Funds to Enable the Procurement of Ten (10) Brand New Skid Loader Vehicles and One hundred (100) Units of Waste Collection Buckets:-
Cognizant of the laudable policy of the present administration to rid Kano of heaps of refuse scattered all over the metropolitan area of the State, REMASAB proposed to replace most of its existing open refuse collection points with one hundred (100) units of 8 Cubic metres additional waste collection buckets to add to already existing ones. Provision of these one hundred (100) units of waste collection buckets necessitates use of additional ten (10) Skid Loaders. Cost for each was presented to Council for consideration as follows:

i. 100 units of waste collection buckets N127,867,130.00
ii. 10 units of Skid LoadersN170,369,265.00
Total N298,236,395.00

As such, the Ministry of Environment requested Council to consider and approve the release of the sum of N298,236,395.00 to enable the procurement of 100 units of waste collection buckets and ten (10) units of Skid Loader Vehicles.

50% of the request was approved by Council. Thus:

• 50 units of waste collection buckets at N895,000.00 x 50 = N44,750,000.00
• 5 units of Skid Loader Vehicles at N15,950,000.00 x 5 = N79,750,000.00
Total N124,500,000.00

The Ministry of Water Resources submitted two (2) memoranda for deliberation by Council. Only one of them was approved for execution as follows:

Request for Funds to Enable the Procurement of Workshop/Laboratory Equipment and Beds/Beddings for the Assistant Works Superintendent (AWS) Training School Challawa:-

Specialization and use of professionally required skills in the provision of services is a basic ingredient for sustainable development in areas that border on the provision of basic infrastructure. Middle Cadre Technicians with applicable skills are required in all professions. This fact fuels and energizes the thrust of the present administration in its drive and general effort to provide skill and empowerment opportunities by establishing specific skill acquisition Institutes.

The Assistant Works Superintendent Training School (AWS) at Challawa is one such vitally required skills acquisition Institute that has been training middle cadre technicians from time immemorial in techniques related to the provision of water for domestic, agricultural, industrial, etc. usage.

As such, this administration intervened to salvage the pathetic dilapidated condition due to old age in order to revamp/revitalize performance of AWS Challawa. In the year 2012 approval was granted for the execution of projects at the School including the completion of an abandoned hostel and the construction of completely new workshop and laboratory. This was to further expand the capacity of the AWS Challawa to cater for the training of manpower/technicians in the areas of water resources engineering, construction and other related sectors. In fact, the School trains students within the State and beyond reaching Katsina, Kogi, Bauchi, Oyo and Lagos States. Meanwhile, the completed hostel, workshop and laboratory need to be furnished and provided with materials, reagents, beds/beddings etc. at the estimated cost of N26,921,643.00, which was requested for release by Council to enable provision of the requirements.

Council approved as requested based on relevance of the project to the policy of the present administration in the area of provision of skill acquisition opportunities.

Two (2) memoranda were submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning. Both were approved for execution as follows:

a. Request for Funds to Enable Payment of Compensation for Structures to be Removed Along Water Pipeline Route on Challawa to Gwaron Dutse (Sheikh Ja’afar Road):-
Contents of this memorandum presented Sheikh Ja’afar Road project as an important endeavour to ease commuting within the municipality. Work is in satisfactory progress except for the right of way required/needed for laying the giant water pipeline simultaneously with the road. Consequently, KNUPDA, Water Board and the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning collectively identified a total of thirty-six (36) structures that need to be removed in order to make laying the giant water pipeline possible. The structures comprise different items with estimated aggregate value to the tune of N20,105,140.00, which was requested for release by Council to be disbursed as payment of compensation for the 36 structures to be removed.

Council noted, considered and approved release of the requested sum of N20,105,140.00 to the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning to enable paying for the stated compensation so as to accelerate the pace of construction work on Sheikh Ja’afar Road towards completion as targeted.

b. Presentation of Request for the Implementation and Provision of Infrastructural Facilities at Kwankwasiyya City (Phase I) and Request for Funds to Enable Payment of Compensation for Land, Economic Trees and Structures:-
The Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Land and Physical Planning politely reminded Council of its approval to provide infrastructural facilities to the 190 hectares piece of land acquired purposefully for the establishment of low density housing layout at Kwankwasiyya city via Council Extract NO.SSCA/CA/EX/7/1/21 dated 7th October, 2011.

Essentially, the city was designed to have low density housing units, shopping malls, asphalt road network, effective drainage system, bridges, efficient water and electricity supply network, street lights, etc. as required in a befitting modern city.

It was maintained that for the city to have good planning, security and other developmental considerations, it is imperative to expand the size of the city such that its periphery reaches up to Zaria Road.

As such, the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning assessed the periphery of the city and its surroundings especially Dotsa Village under Phase I of the entire project. The following were presented for consideration by Council as the assessed compensation requirements:

• Land valued at N1,000,000.00/ha= N40,384,100.00
• Economic trees= N17,401,250.00
• Structures= N89,050,550.00
Total = N146,835,900.00

So, Council was requested to approve the release of the sum of N146,835,900.00 to enable payment of compensation as presented. Approval was granted as requested for the release of the sum of N146,835,900.00 to the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning to enable the payment of compensation for land, economic trees and structures (site) acquired for the expansion of Kwankwasiyya city (phase I) up to Zaria Road.

The two (2) memoranda submitted for deliberation by Council from the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources were approved for execution as follows:

a. Presentation of Request for Permission and Release of Funds to Establish Monitoring and Evaluation Teams to Ensure Successful Implementation of the 2013 Wet Season Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) Programme in Kano State:-
The Honourable Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development visited Kano State. He advised that Kano State Government should establish a formidable Monitoring and Evaluation Team between the State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Kano Office. This is to ensure successful implementation of the 2013 Wet Season Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) program across the 44 LGCAs in the State. The team is to comprise the Honourable Commissioner, Permanent Secretary, Directors; (from the State Ministry of Agriculture), Kano State House of Assembly Committee Members on Agriculture, State Director FMARD. Other members to represent the Kano State Office of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Supply Chain representatives and the ADP (KNARDA) need to be included as is operated at the Federal Level.

Consequent to this development, the State Ministry of Agriculture proposed for the setting up of four (4) local Monitoring and Evaluation Teams to cover the existing four (4) KNARDA zones in the State with each expected to visit designated redemption centers in each of the 44 LGCAs respectively assigned to each team. Details on the composition of each of the four (4) teams along with request for release of funds for the commencement of their activities were presented for consideration by Council.

Council acknowledged the presentation and approved the release of the sum of N5,000,000.00 to the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources for the purposes stated in connection with the successful implementation of the GESS program for the year 2013 Wet Season.

b. Presentation of the Need and Request for Funds to Establish Local Poultry Extension Service:-
Sequel to a report received from the Deputy Director, Poultry Institute Tukwui on the need to establish a Poultry Extension Service to the beneficiaries of Poultry Institute, the Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources submitted the following recommendations for consideration and approval by Council:

i. Setting up of Poultry Extension Committee to comprise of
• Area Veterinary Service Officer
• Agricultural Programme Coordinator
• Sectional Head Veterinary
• CRC Chairman/Representative(s)
ii. Functions of the Committee
• Supervision of administration of routine medication/vaccination.
• Continuation with extension training up to 17 weeks.
iii. Expected Outcome
• After 17 weeks the beneficiaries can stand independently.
• Mortality of the birds currently encountered will be reduced.
• Huge savings to Government on replacement cost.
iv. Total cost of routine medication/vaccinations/allowances = N37,320,000.00
Relatedly, the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources requested Council to consider the presentation and approve release of the sum of N37,320,000.00 for the stated purpose.

Council noted, considered and approved the release of the requested sum of N37,320,000.00 to the State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources to handle item (iv.) presented above.

The Head of Civil Service submitted two (2) memoranda for deliberation by Council. Both were approved for execution. Thus:

a. Presentation of Report from the Executive Council Committee on the Directorate of Societal Re–orientation (Adaidaita Sahu) Repeal Law 2013:-
Contents of this memorandum adequately presented the stand of the Committee mentioned above on the issue concerned as submitted by its Chairman (the Head of Civil Service) for consideration and approval by Council.

The Committee’s stand after in depth deliberation based on careful appraisal of contents of the Draft Bill yielded the following observations:

i. That the Draft Bill is premised upon the desire by the then Government to determine obsolete Laws whose instrumentality lacks bearing on the responsiveness of Government Policy direction.
ii. That the Directorate (Adaidaita Sahu) lacks functional qualified manpower to run its affairs, hence the need to deploy its Staff to the mainstream Civil Service. Its perceived mandate is apparently adjudged a duplicity in content as it relates to other Institutional Official engagements.
iii. The Directorate is as moribund Institution as its Law both of which lack value for continued existence and therefore un-called for.
So, the Committee recommended to Council to consider approving repeal of the Law establishing the “Adaidaita Sahu” Directorate.

Council noted, considered the presentation and approved the repeal of the Law establishing the “Adaidaita Sahu” Directorate in line with the proposed Draft Bill as presented by the Ministry of Justice, Kano State. The proposed repeal was to be submitted to the House of Assembly for assent.

b. Presentation of the Proposed Draft Bill on the Prohibition of Street Begging in Kano:-
The Executive Council Committee on the proposed Draft Bill on the Prohibition of Street begging in Kano State submitted highlights of its report/recommendation for consideration of Council as endorsed by its Chairman (the Head of Civil Service). Main observations were presented as follows:

i. The Bill is intended to provide the Legal Instrument that will allow the realization of part of Government Social Policy reform program aimed at eliminating the menace of street begging.
ii. The Draft Bill is auspicious and timely as the hitherto trends being grappled with by Government on matters of development in human Capital for productive and constructive engagement by active youth in addition to rural – urban drift by young and the aged population would be checked.
iii. The Law will also provide safeguard against migrant beggars from across the borders that overstretched usage of facilities meant to curtain the menace, in addition to providing legally subsisting measures for deportation and/or deployment.
iv. As part of the safeguards, appropriate penalties were also provided in the Draft Bill.
Specifically, the Committee recommended to Council to consider the observations submitted and approve for forwarding the Draft Bill to the Honourable Kano State House of Assembly for passage into Law.

Council appreciatively acknowledged the presentation and approved the transmission of the Draft Bill on the Prohibition of Street Begging in Kano State to the Kano State House of Assembly for passage into Law.

Presentation of Draft Bill to Repeal High Court (Civil Procedure) Edict 1988:-

Council was professionally notified by the State Attorney General/Hon. Commissioner, Ministry of Justice, through contents of this memorandum that:

i. The High Court (Civil Procedure) Edict 1988 is the current legislation governing Civil Proceedings in the High Court.
ii. The Edict also makes provisions on the various fees payable in High Court for commencement of action and other processes.
iii. The fees payable are however too scanty and do not conform to the realities of the present situation.
iv. There is, therefore, the need to review the fees upwards.
As such, it was recommended to Council to consider and approve the Draft Bill as amended for transmission on to the Honourable State House of Assembly for passage into Law.

The presentation was appreciatively acknowledged as Council approved the passage of the Draft Bill onto the Honourable State House of Assembly for passage into Law.


Council acknowledged the official visit to Kano by the Managing Director, Bank of Industries (BOI) and her entourage and the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the State Government and the BOI.

Council witnessed the presentation of various awards to the Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE by the Igbo Community residing in Kano for his commendable execution of developmental projects and ensuring peaceful co-existence among different tribes in the State. Similarly, Council witnessed the presentation of the following awards to His Excellency the Governor:

• Award of excellence by the Association of Nigerian Writers
• Award of Leadership, Excellence and recognition by Baseline Global Ventures
• “Excellence award for the uplift of Sports in Kano State by the ‘Swimming Association of Nigeria’.
• Award by the Association of Northwest Youths for improving the welfare of citizens, job creation, youth empowerment, etc. in Kano State, and
• Award of Excellence by the Justice & Fairness Organization.

Council witnessed the swearing-in of six (6) newly appointed Permanent Secretaries and implored them to be honest, dedicated and prudent in the discharge of their official responsibilities toward attaining overall objectives of the State Government.

Council witnessed the inauguration of the State Committee on the protection & revival of Kano city Wall headed by Dr. Sule Bello with representatives from the History and Culture Bureau, Tourism Board, Emirate Council, Senior Special Assistant (Emirate Council) and National Museum and Monuments.

Council acknowledged the successful foundation stone laying ceremony at Lokogoma Housing Estate in Abuja by Governor Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, FNSE.

Council acknowledged the successful conduct of sanitation exercise on the last Saturday of every month across the State and called on the citizenry to ensure future compliance for a healthy and clean surrounding.

Council acknowledged the conduct of the National Council on Education (NEC) meeting held in Abuja where Kano State was commended for its stride in the transformation of Education in the country.

Council acknowledged the conduct of the meeting of National Council on Agriculture held in Abeokuta where various issues toward the improvement and enhancement of the Agriculture were discussed. Council also upheld that Kano State will host the next meeting.

Council acknowledged the progress report of the ongoing repairs of Dams across the State with a view to improving the provision of adequate water supply to the teeming population in the State.

Council acknowledged the conduct of the Civil Service Day Celebration during which five (5) Senior Officers and five (5) Junior Officers were meritoriously awarded for their honesty, dedication and selfless service to the State. During the occasion three (3) Organizations were also awarded. Further, Council noted the flag off of pre-retirement workshop for Permanent Secretaries, Directors and other Officers due for retirement from the Civil Service.


Council endorsed the useful phone numbers submitted by the security agents for easy access in case of any emergency on the metropolitan roads. Accordingly, the general public may easily contact Kano Road Traffic Agency (KAROTA) for: Breakdown of Vehicle(s), Traffic Congestion, Accidents, and Illegal/Wrong Parking on – 08091626747. Similarly, the State Police Command could be contacted on – 08032419754, 08123821575. In addition, the State Fire Service can also be contacted on – 07051246833, 08191778888.


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