Gombe - Day New Sarkin Fulani Was Turbanned


The event of Saturday, January 10, 2009 in Gombe, will forever linger in the minds of Gombawa because of its significance. The occasion was the turbanning of a 40-year old, young and talented Umaru Kwairanga as the new Sarkin Fulanin Gombe by His Royal Highness, the Emir of Gombe, Alh. (Dr) Shehu Usman Abubakar, CON.

Quite significantly too, Gombe had for long never witnessed such an assembly of the high and low all in the name of a single individual, whose social standing was neither political nor inclined to any political party activity. Of particular mention was the V.I.P. accommodation provided to the dignitaries that attended along with a tight security, courtesy of Governor Danjuma Goje.

Born to the famous and respected Kwairanga family in Gombe, the young Umaru, whose exposure and aspirations oiled by his sanctimonious doggedness, commitment, dint of hardwork, simplicity, down to earth inter-personal rapport, combined with his inbuilt loyalty and respect to elders, has today ordered him a right as he dines with the elders. From an 'ordinary holder of WAEC/GCE Certificate from G. S.S. Kumo in 1986, and a masters degree in corporate governance from the John Moore's University, United Kingdom. Umaru's relentless efforts had seen him traversing the nooks and corners of the globe not only in search of knowledge but alongside building an unsurpassed track record of business successes that today earned him a name in the field of banking, manufacturing, as well as in the money and capital markets. Today he is a proud MD/CEO of Finmal Finance Services Ltd, and chains of other connections in more than 18 different companies.

From Friday January 9, 2009 when the visibly impressed Emir of Gombe treated the important dignitaries that arrived earlier to a grand cocktail party around 8.00pm in his palace, up to Saturday January 10 when the main event was held in the same venue by 11.00am, the atmosphere was charged and bubbling as it became the talk of the town. The parade of V.I.P's ranges from the economic to industrial magnates, renown banking gurus, security giants, technocrats, traditional rulers, etc. There were Alh. (Dr) Umaru Mutallab, Chairman of Finmal Finance Services; Ambassador (Dr) Shehu Usman Malami Sarkin Sudan Na Wurno; Gen. Aliyu Mohammed Gusau (rtd); Rt. Hon. Aminu Bello Masari; the Deputy-Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Usman Bayero Nafada, Sarkin Yakin Nafada, Alh. Aliko Dangote, Chairman Dangote Group of Companies; Gen. Garba Duba (rtd); Inspector-General of Police, Ibrahim Commassie, Sardaunan Katsina (rtd); the Hon. Minister of Sports, Engr. Sani Ndanusa; Alh. Muhammadu Bello Kirfi, Wazirin Bauchi; Former Governor of Gombe State, Alh. Abubakar Habu Hashidu, Matawallen Dukku; former Governor of the defunct North-Western State, Alh. Usman Faruk, Jarman Gombe; the Accountant-General of the Federation, Alh. Ibrahim Dankwambo, Talban Gombe; former MD/CEO Security Printing and Minting Company; Alh. Suleiman S. Baffa; former Petroleum Minister; Dr. Kabiru Chafe; Brigadier E. Ikwue, Chairman Ashaka Cement and Alh. Moh'd Kabir Ahmed, Director-General, National Pension Commission. Their Royal Highnesses, Emirs of Bakura in Zamfara State; Kaltungo and Dukku in Gombe State.

From the money and capital markets, those seated include Alh. Suleiman Ndanusa, MD/CEO Spring Bank; Alh. Mustapha Bintube, MD/CEO Jaiz Bank; Alh. Ahmed AI-Marzuk, MD/CEO Incar Nig. Ltd; Engr. Moh'd Daggash, MD/CEO Ashaka Cement, Pic; Engr. Abdullahi Tsafe, MD/CEO Modular Ltd; Alh. Yussuf Modibbo, MD/CEO Tiddo Securities; Alh. Qasimu Garba Kurfi; MD/CEO APT Securities Ltd; Alh. Ibrahim Boyi, MD/CEO External Oil Plc; Alh. Zakari Sada, MD/CEO Penman Pensions Ltd; Mr. J.L. Kogis, MD/CEO Tower Assets Ltd; Alh. Lawan AI-Hassan, MD/CEO Royal Trust PFA Ltd; Alh. Aminu Dangana, MD/CEO Gidauniya Securities Ltd; Mr Jonn Aboh and Umaru Yahaya all Executive Directors of First Bank and Alh. Moh'd Mahmood, Principal Manager, First Bank. There were many distinguished Senators and members of the House of Reps, including all those from Gombe State. The list is endless.

After the introduction of the occasion by the M.C., the popular Umarun Azare, the Chief Imam of Gombe gave the opening prayers. Thereafter the celebrant was ushered in along with friends and family members. The royalty immediately gave a signal for the formal turbanning of the new Sarkin Fulani by the Majidadin Gombe. As the process was going on, the M.C. introduced me to read the citation on the celebrant, who happens to be my secondary school mate. Come and see the sea of video and still cameras that flooded my sight as I carefully read out his profile with interruptions at every point by a thunderous ovation. That done, it was then the turn of the Emir to give his address.

The Emir in his usual characteristic of eloquence, tutored the crème-de la-crème of the Nigerian society on the peculiar history of Gombe, its people and abundant riches. Completely enveloped in a high spirit and decked in a mix-coloured gown with a black turban to march, he moved the gathering of the movers and shakers of the Nigerian Society with his careful selection of words, while admonishing the new Sarkin Fulani to brace up to the challenges as demanded by his new position. He commended his maturity as a young and enterprising youth even as he charged him to look back and continue to carry as many of our younger ones as possible in the spirit of collective efforts to sustain the development of Gombe. The Deputy-Speaker, House of Reps and a bossom-friend to the celebrant, Usman Bayero Nafada also gave a very inspiring vote of thanks.

The new Sarkin Fulani later rode on horseback side by side with traditional drummers, performers, artists, Danmaraya Jos, Sani Aliyu Dandawo,etc, including the popular Hausa film star, Ibro, Sani Danja and back up by hundreds of well decorated horses to his family residence. The procession was glittering and sounds of traditional gun shots and praise singers could be heard from a distance. They were making the celebrant to shiver as he kept waiving to the crowd that line up the streets to cheer him. A major side attraction was when the crowd nearly mobbed -the popular Aliko Dangote, in an attempt to catch a glimpse of the renown business tycoon.

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Umaru Kwairanga has carved a niche for himself. Honour should be given to whom honour is due. No wonder that the Chairman of the Organising Committee was the whole Ambassador Yerima Abdullahi, Sarkin Bai Gombe who worked tirelessly to see to the success of the event. Not forgetting the role of the G.S.S. Kumo Old Boy's Association, the Media, the Protocol Department of the Government House, the State Correspondents, chapel of the N.U.J. and all security agencies in the state. Surely, Gombe has seen and experienced it. Alareine lamdo Fulbe. Alareini Lamdo Gombe! Alareini Sarkin Yakin Gombe!

Yidikawu, Magayakin Pindiga, is former Director of Press, Gombe State.


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